Saturday, April 27, 2013

why i love riding

There are so many things that breaks God's heart.

how could i go through everyday life being oblivious to this fact. i always wondered what life would be like not knowing God. not knowing that there is a great being out there whose care for us caused His very life.

to just walk, to not feel, to not burden in the heart, to not be obligated.

passion for the lost compassion for the needy.

thats why i love cycling. with a bike, one can stop anytime anywhere anyplace that most vehicles cant.

was cycling to petaling utama one day... stopped by at a bus stop opposite assumption church .. to drink some water.. one of the very few times i actually felt dry and thirsty cycling on my way.. since the previous times it was always raining and i could sip in sky juice once in a while...

there was a dude sitting there too. no slippers ... shaggy cloths... unkempt hair... something inside me.. no, not something.. i knew what it was.. it was the Spirits prompting.. said.. go over and talk to him...

i hesitated... and then i felt the prompting again, not wanting to wait the third time, i went over... and chatted.. his name was Ram, he came here for mass, but there wasn't any that night.. he needed cash to get back onto the busy... he didn't have enough and needed 4.50

i walked back to my bacg, took out my wallet, and there inside stood one fat 20 bucks.... i felt so rich and blessed at that moment.... 20 bucks....... i felt rich with 20 bucks..... sigh, anwyays didn't have small change... and i knew if i gave this yellow note to him, i would have no cash later to eat dinner with...

screw dinner, this guy looks skinnier than me xD

walked over, gave him the 20 bucks, a hug and a News everlasting that will never run out of grace, mercy and all we need for providence in life.

and beheld tears stream down his yellowish eyes.

God's love, burns brighter than the sun.
more beautiful than words could ever say.
This endless love, shinning over all,
it leads me to your glory everlasting..

awake my soul, open my eyes
to see the countless things in this nation,
which i pass by everyday,
that breaks Your heart.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


theory: the idea of prepping is a sub-conscious trick to get people to start back contribution in and as a community and prevent the economic collapse as predicted if people would just remain as empty-self consumers by instilling fear of the future. it is a pre-event prevention solution. (if it works) =P

i think its good that people are prepping for an economic downfall.

why so? because if they can grow their own vegetables, sustain thier own lives and a few love ones around them, generate electricity and live off the grid, then the burden on the nation to support this growth woul be lessened.

if everyone prepped, then it'll just be like in the old caveman days where people could sustain themselves.

ofcause, i think the consumers out there and thier power of purchasing is wayyy more than the preppers contribution to society. we just consume too much to live in comfort and luxury. and not like prepping actually gives you enough produce to sustain plenty other people.. (although i've seen some who can really make lots of wine from uneaten grapes and grow veggies and fish via aquaculture enough to sell to others, thus making thier own business at the same time in this post-modern era)

yup make money while prepping for the end, not bad eh? =D

well i wonder who actually came up first with the idea of 'prepping' . maybe it was an economist who foresaw the future if people just keep on consuming and jacking up the dept instead of working hard and being part of the community, bearing thier own weight. but to get the idea across to the common people, he choose to communicate by a means of instilling fear. fear is what drives people sometimes. so then, without knowing, the people who get scared actually start working hard, ie building nice homes, growing food stuff..rearing.... goats? who would ever rear a goat for milk and learn the process of coagulating it into beautiful cheese (i lovee cheese! especially in burgers) =D. if i told you to go rear a goat for no particular reason, would you? i didn't think so

so yeah, this is another of my random theories with no hypothesis, evidence, firm examples whatsoever.. just a... thought =P

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

this prayer i pray with all my... heart?

dilemma - to watch a free movie premier with special company and have a good satisfying time. or to travel far to a hot hall and observe a game of badminton between tiny kids.

well wasn't a very fair statement now was that?

- to gratify the desires of personal selfish happiness or to sacrifice a fleshly pleasure to get a chance to minister the most important everlasting message into children's lives whom have yet to know Him.

... jeez ... i guess praying "Lord, i want to grow closer to You" doesn't get answered in a one time gift, but instead a chance to choose in a situation.

situation presented.. to be (heavenly minded ) or not to be....

...sigh... eternity in mind?

phillip yancy: "one does not gain life by acquiring more, but instead by giving it away, and in the process finding it."

true? no? relative? ... lets find out

Monday, April 01, 2013

Cheap Grace

"Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness? Now at all!" -Paul

so then what's the whole point of this post? lets just read a short portion of the scripture, romans 3:5-8

But if our unrighteousness brings out God’s righteousness more clearly, what shall we say? That God is unjust in bringing his wrath on us? (I am using a human argument.) Certainly not! If that were so, how could God judge the world? 7 Someone might argue, “If my falsehood enhances God’s truthfulness and so increases his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?” Why not say—as some slanderously claim that we say—“Let us do evil that good may result”? Their condemnation is just!

people who talk like that, i guess.. believe in the gospel of judas. whereby it is part of the plan to play the bad guys role so that there can be a good guy. just like how "Opposites have to exist for things(it contrast) to have definition". right.. just like how the villains anonymous in the movie wreck-it ralph said

"I am bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. I will always be me." - bad guy oath

i liked today's easter sermon, where yew meng told us how satan might have thought he had gotten God into a lose-lose situation after adam's fall. where if God forgave adam, he would not be just and holy. but if he did not do so, humanity would be separated from God forever. but yeap, God always wins. a hearty amen to that.

people ask: "why can't God just forgive sins? he is God after all"

“If anybody imagines that God can simply forgive us as we forgive others, that person has not yet considered the seriousness of sin or literally what a heavy weight sin is; has not realized the greatness of the one we have sinned against. And how His character is at stake here in His response to sin.” -Anselm

there's no such thing as cheap grace. happy easter Jesus said "it is finished" on the cross over and over again.. so be reconciled to God today =D

the question is not "have i received salvation because of the sinner's prayer" but "am i following Jesus"

p.s. sorry there are so many missing gaps in this post, i know the paragraphs don't link, and there could be more explanation added in between. if you really did want to know more, you would. you just would