Monday, May 24, 2010


placebo effect-" the tendency of any medication or treatment, even an inert or ineffective one, to exhibit results simply because the recipient believes that it will work." -wiki

there is much less development in the field of drugs nowadays. why cause they got no new disease to go against. so what? we come up with some new random unknown disease so that we can sell drugs.

like. this vitamin is good for you. take this supplement that cost 5k. =D have a nice day, cause i know i will.

and so you see.. placebo.. believing. the human mind is capable in achieving many things as long as you just believe. (some how, either by deception or something else that convinces you). it is so strong that if you can think of a burning sensation to be real enough, it might affect you hormones and chemistry in you body somehow so that blisters would appear! yes thats how powerful believing can be.

people who have cancer. will keep on trying ways to cure it. like drinking turtle shell soup, or visiting a china doctor. and do all sorts of stuff.. cause it gives them hope. well yeah, sure it cost a bomb. but statistics show that people with  4th stage cancer have healed. hope.

and there was this dude in some hidden land... where there were shamans. well this guy wanted to show that the hokey-pokey of the shamans were all fake stuff and they were bluffing. so he got a sifu bomoh to teach him the "tricks of the trade" which were meant to be a secret from everyone. and this was it: they would bite themselves in the lip or tongue, soak the blood in a some cotton wool so that it looks like some kinda tumor... then transfer it to their hand and "pull" it out from the patient. something like a magician pulling a coin from your ear.... and lo and behold by placebo, the person would believe he has been healed... and by believing he does get better!

and so now he knew the trick, he was gonna expose it, but just as he was about to do so... a woman came up to him and ask him to heal her sick father... she pleaded to him. so he went. then he did his hokey-pokey .. pulled out the tumor and tadaa.. a few weeks later her father started getting better...

he decided to keep the shaman's secret.

so then moving on from that story, you have stuff about magnetic therapy and blablabla magic stone... et cetera

these demo people who sell this stuff sure make alotta money.
well they did some experiments about it, one of it was making this sick guy get treated by two bars of magnets.. so on the first session he felt a 20% increase in health..... then for the next few sessions they substituted the magnets with two plain planks of wood but painted so that they look exactly like the magnets.... and the guy continued his treatment without knowing they swapped it..... and he always said he feels better than before...


its all in the head yo. taking four fake panadols is better than two fake panadols.. both are made of flour.. but because they guy believes that by taking panadol his body will get better. and if 2 pills take away half a head-ace so double the dose would take it all away.

its gotta do with stuff like hormones and your bodies biology and stuff like that la

next up to: too scared to be different?

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