Tuesday, March 24, 2009

load of tuff

kens bike- on sunday i went to kerwiin's house, played abit of dota, then we cycled back to my house. see jia ming wanted ken's bike (so yeap its gonna switch owners again) but it was in kerwiin's place. so yeah... i brought along a full tool box with me to fix the oh-so-breaking down bike. the left pedal keeps on comming lose, i have yet to find a washer big enuf to upgrade it. and yeah.

stubbed left foot- while cyling back home, making short pit-stops frequently to tighten the always-loosening nut, we came across a park, kerwiin dared me to cycled down the stairs.. so i did, then i dared him to cycle up, to show it was possible i did it (and yes, do not try this, it spoils ur rims! pronto), and then..... i did the most stupidest thing i could ever do.. i tried to go down diagonally! and btw the stairs had handbars aka railings! i couldn't gain enuf control to piviot the front tire and its linear motion out of the way. the front tire did clear the railing, but the left pedal (along with my poor foot) slamed into the railing! ... may it be i brag to the Lord, that my foot is safe and sound, only a small cut on my erm... ring toe... and amost all of em bruise.. slightly.. and yeah, the whole pedal is bengkok now =P .. i think my foot slamed into the railing (got sandwhich between the railing and the pedal)
but how in the blazers whould my foot have been able to stand such impact? come to think of it with abit of logic.. i now conclude that the pedal itself hit the railing with direct contact... (then i duno how my foot got hurt la) ..

derialeur- if it works don't touch it, its that thing that changes ur bike gears.. see when we were cyling back... kens bike is in a real bad condition, everyting, every bit of it is crazylie cheap/low quality/made-in-china =P .. see i changed the gear too much (due to bad tunening) the chain went off the casset and got sandwich (again?) between the back gears and the tire! .. then every thing when into chaos.. good thing i wasn't going fast.. so stoped and made some realignment.. then we continued on.. abt 1 quarter left to complete the journy back to my house aka jia mings house, we were going down hill (infront of skool towards tmn bahagia) and my gears were in very low ratio.. so me being greedy for speed, wanted to change to a higher gear, my conciouns inside me reminded me abt the derialer problem, but i still went on with it... so i changed the gear.. and ta-da! u guess it..it got jammed.. but this time was diffrent, i was going down hill which meant high speed! so the gears couldn't take it, and every thing started fyling off (i didn't realise this untill i came to a stop and tried to fix the bike just to notic the parts missing!) so kerwiin who was cycling behind me told me he saw prats flying out, he at first taught it was the tar road bits.. so yeap.. there we were two kids walking in the middle of the road like retards trying to find the gear peices.. we found 3 out of 4 peices.. but it still worked =P .. haha praise the Lord, God is indeed good, the last part we found was the axle! a tiny lil' long clyinderical metal bit... i taught we were never ever gonna find it.. but yeap we did.. thank God again, cause there was a full tool kit in mah bag yo =D

tatian- if memory serves me right, thats the brand of the bike, i think bought from giant if i'm not wrong.. to me it's like taitaniums evil twin broter.. =P its crazylie low quality metal! to kerwiin: the reason why i gave it away was because i bent the frame by doing too many bunny hops, thats why even if its a full suspension bike, the seat post is touching the wheel frame.. and more noob stories abt it, when ken gave it to me it was missing its left pedal, thats why it has a metal pedal on the left and a plastic (the original) pedal on the right. the only good part abt the bike is its handle bars, cause i broke the old one into half (yes its that low quality metal) and credits goes to uncle caleb for buying the new handle bars =D (btw i lovee the handle bars! its really wide! around 20 inch if i'm not wrong), the front fork is bending into a v shape, the stem cant screw in fully to be thight, and the front derialleur go bent like crazy!!! when i jammed the chain the second time! =P woops... so yeah jia ming, have fun cycling it once u've changed the pedals and gear derialeurs .. =D

msss - gonna skip skool for one week! nope i'm not running... i'm forced to go under scouts for service in msss. smkts is incharge of 'hadiah' aka pingat la.. so all we have to do is stoneeeeee there. when the teahcer.. pn faridah needs us, we take a slip of paper and pass it to the distric for them to send the winner and recive the prize.. get? aiah to make it simple, were 'runners' .. and yes it is nice to watch the evens, utter boringness. today was the 1st day, brought my physics book to read (which i didn't do much) and my school shoes! haha how dungu of me, i was 'scared' that wearing sports shoes was not allowed, so i came prepared.. how dumb.. =P and yes.. lots of things happen, wei loon, jee ken, tuck choi, poh yee, mun ling, shiang chee.. are the only reason why i'll still go for the next four days. (and meaby the cute girl athletes there too) =P woops ..

tuition- yess ser rie! lifes good with out tuition.. err.. i meant.. i've been skipping tuition alot late ly, totally missed my tuitions during holidays due to camps and now today i skipped add math with pn liew again! sigh, noob rapid kl take so long.. mmhmm got a free ride on the bus, cause chien choon gave me a defect ticket it was half a ticket! it wasn't typed out properly so the words were like "24 mac, tempat" instead of "24 mac 09 tempatan" =D so yeah, reached kj station took an lrt to tmn bahagia, walked shian chee home while cc walked erm.. shawn's clone sister back to skool. after that went to play bball at half cout with rachel quah .. man she's good.. but the old uncle's there are even better!

punctured- bike tire .. gahh my uncle's scott tires are punctured!! meaby i did too much jumping.. blah!! i've not found the time (or most probebly nvr did put the effort into it) to bring and go fix it .. sigh.. i always say to myslef "ok uleung, today in the afternoon your gonna take ur tire to merida and fix it" ends up i still haven't =P the power or procrestination!

happy.... something day to .. my mother .. =D
yes i would like to thank the loads of ppl who whised my happy birthday .. special acknowledgement to vincent and fui swen for whising me at 12.. and joann for calling me all de way from ipoh/kampar.. mmhmm had a wonder fulday at skool today.. lui jan yi gave me a chocolate (that taste 10 times better than starbucks) thats from russia! li ching got me an uber kool watch (untill i actually screamed "KOOL!") its a pocket watch with a glass back that shows the inside skeleton of it and all its gears inside! its not battery powered so u have to wind it.. imeagin that! they still make watches like that!.. then it gave me a flash back, in the kids play room in church, mable's erm brother i think, had this golden pocket watch it was big and kool too.. and yeah because of that small tiny memory i had i knew how to open it... press a button ontop =P (du-uh?) the mind of understanding lets u figure out things too ... but... just to say.... its sooo kool! (so thinks shannen too) yeah. i should get over this and move to the next present .. kaisiqi metal puzzels!! from shann, mui yin, wei yuen and ... mua? whose 'mua' ????/ =P heh heh .. yeap yeap.. they knew what i like much! well sorry to burst ur bubble, it was fun while it lasted =P .. (only have one puzzle left, my bro could do it so can i but by 'forcing' it.. so now sure if thats the way to slove or not), a book abt troy and greecs and other stories, thanks to sheung jien! (whose sisters bday is also the same as mine!) yeap yeap great buddy to sit beside i am prode and happy to have u as my class table neighbour, a letter fromerr.. my daughter? rachel c. and a mini watering can with plants! (which will never die) from a really really pwitie girl... =P, a small led light from my tai kor.. and dinner last night from my dad (where kerwiin's family came too =D) and that monday night in tuition amanda came in with a chocolate cake! =D wow!!! i didn't eat it stright away tought.. after 2 house i openthe box and say it.. half melted, xing, manz and i quickly savoured it, yum yum thanks... a great bday it was =D and oh yeah.. when i was walking back from skool,

chocolate- i was holding lui's russian chocolate in my hand (of fear it would melt and smear if i did put it into my bag, as what had happened to xing yao at snowworld, a heart chocolate melted and he squised it inside his pocket with his mp3 walkman!! and thus the reason why i have walkman headphones in my house, he wanted to throw it away..) yes learn from other's mistakes that u may not repeat them again, see it melted and i was bringing it home to freeze it back to its solid state again...... and yeah now where was it, yes the chocolate in my hand.. then my sister offered my some chili to drink .. err.. well she wasn't gonna drink it anyway.. so when i took the packet she and i saw something like bird poop on my left hand.. then with out delay it hit my mind! "thats no bird poop, thats my chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!" blah! under this blazing hot sun, i should have know better than to swing it around! then i say my shirt it was full of chocolate squigles!! gahh!! my pants too and my sisters bag that i was holding!! oh nooooooooo... i quickly sucked what i could.. sigh.. nicest cofee choc i've tasted.. too bad i only at 1/3 of it =P .. sorry jan.. and yeap.. i dislike sticky sweet stuff on me anywhere else than my mouth .. but i save the wrapper, brought it home and washed it.. heh .. oh i almost forgot.. i also got a bday card which was sign by oh so many ppl! thank u! and thank u to all de ppl who whised me on facebook too =D

uleung- never touch anything that works fine, hates skipping classes, will eat chocolate stight away

"good chocolates can't stand malaysia's wether, wait.. it cant even stand anything thats warm! not even hot! at all!"


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But but, i wished you. Indirectly. :D

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