Sunday, September 14, 2008

oh heyy.. i just remembered my week wasn't that boring. i just remembered to uber kool stuff that happened

1) there was this where house sale in atria, my dad bought a 2men tent for 40 bucks.. i taught it was another one of those crappy tents.. but nope.. it turned out to be quite a good one with double layer walls for sure waterproofness! but anywyas that isn't the uber kool thing that happen. the uber kool thing happened when i was setting up the tent in the garden (don't ask). i was answering a call on the wireless phone outside. suddenly this guy came to me and asked my if i had a player. i was like multitasking (something i really must learn how to do one day), took a player on top of a fish tank and gave it to the guy. later when i finished talking i went out to see what was happening. woah man the guy was pulling sombodys eyeballs outwith the players! nyek nyek.. just jokking. he was well.. trying to cut off a metal barb on the wire mesh to the back ally (yo know the big black steel doors they put for the back ally behing ur house? yea? and then theres a finer wire mesh at the bottom to prevent animals like cats and dogs from squeezing through the big space) so yeah.. u wanna know why he was cutting of the barb on top of the small mesh? not gonna tell u! ... jkjk... heh heh.. well.. u know what (i couldn't even belive it my self) a cat got poked through its stomac and got suck on the pice of wire! ouch! and the good gentleman couldn't pull the cat out because there was a barb like thing on top of the wire mesh! ouch! poor cat. so yeah.. i found out why he needed the players. he tried, then i tried. but we still could cut it. then he told me "eh u got a bigger plier ar?" so i ran back home, opened a tool box, took out this frig-oops cant swear- big "wire cutter", then ran back there. the guy said "ah this is more like it" and yeah he manged to cut the barb off. then we tried to pull the cat out. (there was this kakak that was standing on the other side of the grill the whole time supporting the poor cat, while the guy and i tried to cut the barb) but nope, even with the barb off we couldn't even drag the flesh along the black wire stud. so yeah the guy was like "eh, the meat all twist around the metal edi la" and i was like "eww", then i paced my fingers such in a wat that the cats flesh and barb were in bettew (i don't think u understand) and pulled it out in one go! jkk... i pulled it out slowly. ewww i cant imeagin how to describe how it felt like. and oh! too bad i don't have a camera to take pics of it to show u guys. but.. its a good thing too! with all that blood and guts comming out, i think if u saw the picture u would vomit last last last nights dinner out. (gee can u even still remeber what u ate?). haha and that...... was a joke too. the wound wasn't that bad la. so yeah rescued a cat! (the cat always lingers around behind my house, my neighboor opposite feeds it, it always sleeps in the morining. super lazy, if i had a camera i'll take a picure and show u, but nope too bad! xD and it just gave birth to kittens! awww so cute they are really! (eww did i just say that?) meaby thats why the stomac skin was extra and it got caught in the wire). and yeah, the good fellow? i nvr got to know who he was. he just so happened to be a passer by, why aren't all ppl as good as him?

2) second kool stuff that happened. ok right. i lazy to type much more so yeah gonna make this a quickkie. well i was walking home on thursday after some crappy ketua tingkatan meeting. and i here a siren. ahaha malaysias ambulance have sissy sirens! but yeah second time i saw this senario. its driving super fast. stops at the traffic lights. the drivers speeks throught the haler "tolong beri laluan" and the cars do nothing. so yeap. from experince from the 1st time i came across this situation, i reacted faster this time. woot dashed out onto the middle of the road. stopped the green light lane. then wave my hand asking the lane with the ambulance and the stuck cars to go. man did that driver drive fast. i just hope that the poor live was saved. oh common malaysian drivers?! don't u know how to stop and give way to an AMBULANCE with a siren on?! sheesh. man did i just become a bimbo blond? oh no

yeah thats basically the kool stuff that happened. other randoms stuff as follows: went to church today, uncle gary shared abt a kancil banging his can, two indian man, he didn't get out of the car, the talk and negotiate, uncle gary ask for details, indian ppl give his "sisters" driving licens. uncle garys is like "huh? why ur sisters?" decided to go to police station. they said "yeap yeap" when they u-turn. u know la. they drove off and dissapeared into the night. lawls du-uh obvious they wanted to car-jack his kool car!

been riding and loving ken's bike. i bent the wheel rim toguh. because i rode up the stairs and forgot to pump the wheel. woops. banged it back into place with my head... uhh... hammer sorry...

xD kk thats all i think, till next time i remeber stuff to post and is not to lazy or playing and crappy facebook applications., ciows!

uleung-cat rescue-er, traffic warden, and christian hopping to become a sapper when i grow up

1 comment:

Yvonne Lim said...

All cats and cat lovers everywhere salute you, and that unknown plier borrower, lee yew leung.