its me... i gelled my hair.. woah!!!!!! have u ever seen me gelling my hair?!?!
giving some funny poses.. i like sticking out my tounge.. XP
yeapp.. so taht was basically it.. i gelled my hair.. went out to the photoshop to take some I/c, passport photos.. Xp.. for.. athletics.. i pray that sir will accept em'... XP
mmhmm.. at first. i was reading chim's blog.. har tagged??.. oh well din do.. lazy larr... then i read nicoles blog..mmhmm.. why not give it a try?
so hear it goes!!
Layer 1: On the Outside
Name:lee yew leung
Birth date: 19+4th march 1993
Current status: its complicated..i like a girl.. ^^
Eye colour:black.. i think
Hair colour:blakc.. i
Righty or lefty: Righty??
Layer 2:On the Inside
My heritage: Chinese
My fears: nope notdarkness... God.. yeah i fear God..
My weaknesses: girls
My perfect pizza: EXTRA anything.. i eat..
Layer 3:Yesterday,Today and Tomorrow
My thought first waking up: mmhmm.. toilet ..a girl? .. sigh.. hard being holy.. sig..ZZXXZZ
My bed time: 12.30+++ lie back flat ZZzzZZ
My most missed memory: what ever was behind
Layer 4:My pick
Pepsi or Coke: well..coke for her
McD or Burger King: McD's anytime .. rite rafeal??
Single or Group Date: ummm
Nike or Adidas: nike?
Tea or Nestea: teh-o-ais
Chocolate or Vanilla: choco.. sometimes vanill
Cappucino or coffee: dun drink but i think i'' be a caappucino =)
Layer 5:Do you...
Smoke: oh yes alot!! like a machine since i was 6 years old... i really like making fires!! pyromaniac
Curse: i shall beless those who cures me.... oh wait .. is it foul language?.. yeap
Shower: usually once a day.. save waterHave a crush(s): yea...about 2 or 3.. i loyal wann... XD (yeah rite ler)
Think u've been in love: God loves me... and i love Him
Go to school: (morning)athletics, (afternoon) skool, (weekends) activities.scouts, (holidays) camps, kau-lui!!
Want to get married: with the rite person .. be yoked/?
Believe in yourself: (touches body) .. oh phewh i'm real ..... no i'm not molesting myslefThink you're a health freak: ran to 1U.. good for exercise? i dun think so.. all the car pollutants! caugh caugh
Layer 6:In the past
Drank alcohol: mmhmm.. on a small scale 14% at most?
Gone to the mall: i like movies! *wink* *wink* hint hint and arcead! the MS there got bug wann
Been on stagelove this food! ????????????????? what is this??
Dyed your hair: erm.. for what?
Layer 7:Have you ever
Played a stripping game:Nopez..although it sounds like fun.. its bad
Changed who you were to fit in: i dunoo.. dun ask me
Layer 8:Age you're hoping
To get married: only heaven knows when..
Layer 9:In a guy
Best eye colour: blazing red.. yeah rite ler. that would be scary!
Best hair colour: any natural colour would do
Short or long hair: short is.. hot cum cute?.. long is pretie cum leng lui? oh wait thats the same thing rite
Layer 10:What were you doing..
A minute ago: online
An hour ago: plying MacWarrios4
4.5 hours ago: walking home
1 month ago: i dunoo1 year ago: being form 1 kid? well. i can say..
Layer 11:Finish the sentences...
I love: God, my family and friends.. a girl
I feel: letargic, crazy-hyped, sad when i see "things"
I hate: no-one... i just dislike them
I hide: my underwear in my panths
I miss: somebody oooooo
I need: somebody
Layer 12:Tag 5 People:
One: whoever reads this.. lol.. is that allowed?? XP
i said the words i knew u knew, oh God oh God i needed You.. God all this time i needed You, i needed You...
and i so hate consequences ...
sigh.. some times.. i trie my best to be a christian,... well.. whats the meaning when u say ur a christian?.. oh.. well.. it means i belive in God rite?.. Jesus as my personal saviour?.. oh i guess thats it... does it end there?.. oh wait.. i still have to eat my "daily bread" to keep me spiritually healthy rite?.. umm.. ok thats for my personal salvation?.. is that all that there is to it:?... welll.. how about u?
well... for those who don't belive there is a God.. erm.. then what the heck are we doing here? if God didn'y create us.. then who did?.. if i don't belive in God.. why.. no.. what is the point of living?.. am i just a living organism that is so what highly evolved from monkeys?.. what happens when i die?.. would my body just decay, get eaten by worms.. then the birds will eat the wors. my decaying body will furtalize the plants.. ect... what what happens to me after i die???! .. heck if i din belive... why dun i just go screw some blardy leng lui.. get put into prison.. get a death penelty and be executed?!.. after all theres no point in life is there?
(urm.. thats if i dun belive in God...)
but see.. i belive there is a God!.. and that He sent His one and only begotten Son to earth to be crusifide.. so that by His excrusiating death... we ... have hope.. we.. have.. salvation... we.. have.. the chance to have.. life after death... woah how cool is that!?.. live after death?!.. u gotta be kiddin me!!!.. but hey no.. it is true.. how about u?.. do u belive there is a God? what do u think will happen to u when u die?... will the soul remain in a void?.. lost wondering in this sin filled world?lol.. its never too late ya know...
but u know what.. come to think of it.. it can be too late sometimes.. if ur already dead.. at the gate of heaven.. u've already lost the chance... well.. i think.. XP.. lol.. so. yeah.. make up ur mind.. not a childs play
We are crooked souls trying to stay up straight,
Dry eyes in the pouring rain well
The shadow proves the sunshine
The shadow proves the sunshine
u would never have guess it... i jogged to 1 Utama today...
oh yes happy april fools day.... but no.. seriously.. i jogged to 1U
u see.. i just came back from church after my dance practice.. i on the comp.. my sister wanted to use it to do her "project".. so i gave .... i put on my shoes... din even bother to change my legacy live T-shirt and snail long-pants .. we out to the back.. started to jog.. was around 5.22p.m. .... ladedadeda... i jogged to projet.. so i taught to my-self.. "why not try a lil' further.." so i went on... i went to the Shell gas station where i cycled to last time and turned back.. but this time i continued... went up the slope... hmm.. jogged to BU's area.. there was this girl's house over there.. and sometimes we would go to her house.. so i figured i quite knew this place abit...we on joggin.. continued.. the song kept on playing in my head.. "i'm so sorry for the person i became, i'm sorry that i took so long for me to change" -(relient K: who i am hates who i've been)... reached 1U .. oh yeah.. was in ..urm.. somewhere.. so i walked around.. mm .. puhwee... looked at my watch 5.57p.m. ... ummm ok... walk .. ahh i love the air cond... i went out under the bridge.. aha.. walk to the traffic lights.. walked.. acros the LDP .. then walked to SS2.. decided to stop in a park to sit down.. ahh saw joshua .. hihi.. and jia yue and el roy.. hey... teet teet 7 edi?! .. ahh ok.. walk walk walk.. hmm. walked pass the BomBa station.. aha.. saw li jen ( li yit's bro) .. he wanteto show me a shortcut to 1U.. umm.. but i dun wnan go back there.. then i continued to walk down.. wahh.. walk for so long edi.. saw christal wong while walking.. uhuh... well.. haha.. i was so relife when i reached my neighborhood.. ahhh.. mission acomplish....
drank ribeana.. <<<(my "water") .. well.. i love cabury's tripel chocolated thingy.. yum.. went to pasar malam.. with chris, shannon, jackson.. waiyan, u meng,... aha... dang i alread threw my shirt to soak!... wear the rugged jacket lah.. must stay cool so i dun burn inside... XP comeback home.. eat ALOT of chiken and soup.. yes.. only chiken and soup... XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD I JOGGED TO 1U!!! ... yeah like big deal... sigh.. but i wasn't dead tired?! .. hmm... must go further next time!XP
yeah grandma's better now!!
I don't wann hate u!
I don't wann fight u!
U know i'll alwiz love u,
but now i just dun like u...
cauze u took this too far....
(which to bury, us or the hatch- relient k)