hmm..lets see..its around 6 days since troop camp..still can remember some things..well what do u know.. when we reached down there..went in to the bus.. we took of..back to pj we go.. bye bye ulu yam... in the bus sir AW told us the ghost story of ulu yam.. hmm rite... in the bus.. on the trip.. er... seck wei cam to sit wth me... the was beside.. *ahem* ... so he changeed place to sit wht.. me... he sat at the window.. and slept.. ZzzZzz... i was awak.. listening to yong ming, caely, and so on... they were talking about ghot stories... seck wei was dozing off... so i gave him my hat to sleep on.. ZzzZzz ...
reached the padang at around.....2-4 o'clock..?? (yes i know there is a big diff in the time).. it was soo long ago!! i cant remember we broght everthing out of the bus.. i kept on hitting my head on the cargo door.. good thing i was wearing my hat.. or else i think i'll have brain damage.. ow.. XD.. hmm.. then.. we arrange the equipment.. and stuff.. devide it.. everyone took a fly-sheet + other QM stuff to bring home and wash ect. my mom came to fetch my sister and me ...
the sky was dark.. when we reached home it started to rain.. muahahahahaha.... i wonder how thge scouts were doing at the padang!! XD.. lolx so evil.. ahh sorry!! ow ow ow ow..
14-19 nov 06'- after the camp (the after match)
well what do u know.. i'm sleeping like a baby!!! ... i have no idea why.. but i was not tired..(yes just like a baby) haha.. toe is a real killer: i have no idea whats wrong with my bone.. it "pop"(s) when i bend it. sometimes there is a real sharp pain in it.. oww...ssss i wonder whats wrong with it!! anothere this is my finger.. it healing!! really fast!!! God is good!!.. but one thing.. i'm doing everthing with out it.. like typing of example.. i'm not using my left index finger.. taking bath.. i cant get it wet.. so i lift it up.. (how do i soap my right side? thats another story) ... the cuts i had (which were really little) has healed..cause they were so small XD ahh.. gave my muscles some rest..on what i missed the most... my pillow!! and bed.. ahh... nice... cut my finger nails.. ect..clean up..and so on..went trough my daily life...ahh finally i finished writing!! yehoo!!!!! now i'm free!!!!
i dont have any pics of the camp..cause i din bring a cam
but i Do have one pic...

mah finger!! (sorry not verry clear..) yeahh... looks smaller in real life.. dunoo why this angle i take look so big..well.. God is good.. now(28/11) i dont need a plaster on anymore...yea!!
pics can be viewed in sir AW's blog
see the pic's have fun and get sir AW's blog count up XD
the camp pics
special thanks to the following people:
sir AW-great camp commender (the best i think)
jack-for being my best friend. in hard and good times
vincent-yo boss!
chim-for err..temanning me?
nicole-for beign so very helpful and a great competitor in the limbo rock
mattew-for beign a good PL
all the other scouts and scoters
and YOU for reading this so busy..
i wish i can live up to my motto
"live long die well"
well..i hope my day is as it seems
"have a nice day"
but i know..this will always be true
"may God bless u"
(belive my He is always blessing all of us)
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