Monday, January 20, 2025

lost iphone

That feeling ..

Crystals iphone got pick pocked at the ss2 pasar malam.

She finished a call and put it in her bag,
Had a feeling that it was exposed too much and pushed it in further...

After walking one round through the crowds and sitting down at the durian store to makan with friends ..

She checked in the bag and couldn't find it.

That moment.
Of having lost something,
Knowing it could have been prevented


Similar to how I felt,
Of my wedding ring,
Before going surfing

If we have an inkling,
A premonition,
A slight foresight...
An instinct 

Of the things to come
We should pay heed to it

And no brush it off

Regret all we want,
We can't change what has happened.

Life goes on.
With lessons learnt

Malaysia sucks for pickpockets.
We just let our guard down being in a safe place for too long.

And the joys and comforts of life,
Makes us oblivious to the realities of the world

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