Tuesday, September 17, 2024

lost and found

I found my ring back...
Have not been wearing it for few weeks....

After I went to waiheke Island.

I thought I lost it.. but it was in my work bag. Phewh.

Lots of things been happening lately.
I kind of screwed up doing the ANZ SW reload at BP Greenlane... miss typed one number in the IP address... and didn't catch it when the ATM wasn't connecting... Leslie found it. Thank God.

And then there's the time we're I deliberately disobeyed the wife... when she said to stop spraying the anti mould on the kitchen sink...

But I still did.

Wonder why.

I think it's because I wanted to please the landlords. And the OCD part of my cleaning just kicked in....

I should be using it at work.. not home.

Brain fog. Can't think straight. 

Doing things that irritate others.
Not able to process current situation and gauge future consequences. 

Move to Dunedin? Or stay in Auckland.
It's so convenient here.

Daycare. Wife's work.. house.. friends.. flights.. events.... warmer...

All this will be sacrificed with the move down south.

Craig, Brett... give some clarity please.. don't be afraid to ask them questions.

Thanks Bilal for the comforting chat during the CE meeting.

Fix the TV, old plasma from shri. Have to pay to discard it otherwise.. use the airports to get a new one later on.

Logistics.. have to move the house.. sigh.

Van chair.. Two people want to buy.
First buyer hasn't come yet. 

Time to give chance to the second one?

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