Monday, August 05, 2024

perfectly imperfect, to be human

 no one is perfect.

the idea of perfection is.. in-human

to be human is to make mistakes

and to learn from them

that's evolution,

that's life.

I acknowledge that i am imperfect,

help me to become a better person.

only You, God are perfect.

You are not just an idea of perfection,

You are, You are all that is. You are everything, and all in all.

You encompass everything, the good. what what ever else makes someone, Perfect.

perfectly good. perfectly whole. perfectly perfect.

God is perfection.

How do we achieve that?

We could never... we are only human

Hence, Christ.

and His death on the cross.. for us

that BY his perfection... and sacrifice.. His willingness to give up what is rightfully His, His communication and connection to the perfect all Father..  

He was cut off from God in the moment He took upon Himself our imperfection.

imperfection, is just another word for Sin

but what is imperfection? it's all around us.. it's unavoidable

no one can be... un-imperfect.

that's just... life

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