Sunday, July 14, 2024

14 july 2024


woke up at about 5ish am, baby was crying... wanted milk, fed him about 6am plus, he went back to sleep.

family slept till about 8ish. had breakfast. baby had a packet with banana. we ate some leftover muffins and chocolate roll and doughnut cores

went to church for the 9am service. recodring of Ps Steve Green:

1. throw off what hinders you

2. the sin that entangles

3. run with endurance

4. keep your eyes on Jesus...

the lady was walking down the stairs in the dark and did a flip!

Thank God she didn't hurt herself too badly

10am ish, we went to the cafe and say YeeNie serving coffee

went to buy a pair of red UK4 shoes for boi from Warehouse botany

11 ish... came home, gave him milk and put him to bed.

we had some leftover noodles for lunch

Crystal finish cutting off the grass,

vaccum the house, clean the vacumm 

boi woke up

we got ready,

went toSlyvia PArk Tree Hous at about 3pm

played till 3.30 there, had KFC and played at the rock infront of the outdoor shop area

4.15 ish we went home.

had herbal chiken soup for dinner

then same ol routine for bois bed time

6ish shower, milk, brush teeth, read bible and sleep.. about 7.15 ish... thankfully early

****made the cardbaord chair with milk tin cans,

phewh finally those cans stacking up at the wardrobe is gone

then came inside the room were is warmer

wrote this entry on the Dell Latitude 5480, the backlit keybaord is a plus

so is ubuntu

20:43... huh,,,, just ten minutes to recount the day.

i'd say thats wayyy more worth it than 10 minutes on social media!

And quite a job for the memory too to try and recall what happened throughout the day.

what didn't go so well today:

1. i was supposed not to use social media for sunday, but i used a little FB right in the morning when i brought the phone in with me to the toilet

what went wll today:

1. did something creative and made the chair together with the wife.

coming down with a little runny nose.

sigh.. hope i dont fall sick.. again

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