Friday, October 27, 2023

Shiro, the guy enjoying life

 SO i met up with a ex housemate, Shiro.

he asked me to come over to met him, and he was midway in the service of True Jesus church.

came up from Chirstchurch just to run the marathon this sunday.

many this guy is living it..

we talked about sooooo much stuff.

and they have such a friendly bunch of people and community in the church.

it's lovely.

James, Eunice had a baby boy too! Timothy.

just four months older than Noah. but born in Malaysia

gee, the circle of people is.. soooo small.

met a few new people. erm.. can't remember their names exactly


and Jakie? Kiki?


we talked about religion, what w're currently doing,

the state of the world, 

his adventures...

thinking ahead.. family planning.

God's Timing..

i love the way they pray in tongues and also how they still sing hymms

hymms are nice.

they meet 3-4 times a week

spending the whole day together as a community.




He's running 3-4 times a week,

rock climbing


its the NZ life,

balance of work .. and hobbies.

but the tough thing is visa

thank God for our residency

what's next?

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