So last night, wife started to have contractions. Sh was "induced" to labour by the mid wife earlier in the afternoon of the 24th. reason being the baby was showing slowing signs of growth based on the public statistical charts..
i called in sick today to my work palce. even tough there was a major appoinment for a network upgrade that i should ave gone with Umer for..
owh well.. no work is too big for one to spend time with family for
i'm also tying this on my raspberryPi. as the laptop is curently being used by Pa to watch videos.
Quite a coold thing this little box, hard to imagine that it is a full funcioning computer that fits in the palm of one's hand. I'm contemplating gettting etheir a tablet with a stylus for note taking or a MacAir with it's M1 chips
but seems like his tech works for now