Monday, October 25, 2021

SC2 addiction

 i've bee addicted to Stracrat 2 custom maps, Direct strike, squadron TD, zerg hex..

sigh, spend friday whole night playing it (11pm-7am) 8hrs

then Saturday afternoon manage to take a break? ( i can't remember if i played on that day)

and sunday morning ( 9am-1.30pm) 4 hrs

but yeah thats like... 12 hours plus of gamming time..why?

why do i give in to my cravings

how can i get right with the Spirit and not keep on my desires of the flesh?

 put this computer outside infront of the TV with the gaming rig...

it's the environment.. if i play it in side the room, i am less likely to play right?

we are shaped by our environment

dreamt i found a black iphone

 I had a dream last night

I have been having many dreams

ONe on shoes, and a racetrak... we gave our shoes up before going in for the event (like a concert),

but at the end, instead of what we expected to get our shoes back, it was a free for all. and everyone just grabs whatever they want.

that dream was a few days ago.

last night i dreamt that I found an iphone with the credit cards and stuff of a guy.

and i was in a delimma to keep the phone for myself or return it.

a free phone! sweet, but you know when a guy loses their phone,

they really want to find it back. for example if how i lost the phone i really wish the person whom found it would return the phone to me,

so yeah that's what i did in the end. i gave the phone back the the person,

but after a long while. it's something that i should have done straight away,

it's inside of me,

it reveals my nature.

i like to take other people's things and make them mine.

i covert my neighbours belongings..

unlike Pilosh.

we found a phone in the ONe tree hill park while playing villeyball

and he has zero hesistation returning the phone.

real man.

caues i guess, money is nothing to him

Friday, October 22, 2021

two batches not one

Just take two batches in one go.
Dont worry about space in the warehouse.
Look after your own department and what yoy need to do first before thinking about others.

Now I'm just sitting here waiting for the warehouse guys.

Sigh. Cooperate life. 

Monday, October 18, 2021

clothes and armor

 Something about wearing different materials and clothes on that gives a sense of 'wonder' to a person

In games, like MMORPGs you can equip the character with different articles, normally the head, body, legs, etc.

In real life we wear, shoes, leather belts, fancy watches on our wrist, jewelry

In scouts we had uniforms with badges showing ranks and positions

So yeah, in life we tend to judge people based on what they wear: a suit or tie.

Or a factory overall, HI-Vis vest..

so yeah...

what attributes are added to you when you wear something particular

what is a person naked?

without anything on, what is the body?