Saturday, September 18, 2021

blistered fingers, to earn wages

Hands were blistering due to screwing on caps...

"earning money is not easy" - Lito


"hows your hand? Is it pain? "
"you'll get used to it"


First hour we still have strength, 
Then the glove starts to fill up with sweat
The skin gets soft... and sore

Just at one spot, 
The same spot that keeps on getting rubbed... Over and over again... 

Life is like that ain't it. 
When something is droned about repetitively.. It digs in, makes fresh raw, tender.... Pain... 

Until you no longer feel it.. 
And just keep going on with the motion.. 

The lady comes and helps, 
She has many things to look after, 
But once in a while shr drops by to relief us of the containers flying past the convery belt... 

So much difference how one extra person on the assembly line makes. 

3 is really better than 2.
Its synergistic

Well... All we look forward to now is, 
The break time

Ah, rest

If only for a ashort while, 
My blisering hands get to rest

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