Friday, June 18, 2021

pineal gland third eye

Was listening to some "new age pineal gland activation music"... Gosh it sounds like the synthesiser in church during those moments of silence and prayer times

Its an endocrine gland that secrets homones. That can make ppl feel 'good'

Its linked to the 'third eye' concept 

Probably linked to the central nervous system, which is called different things in different cultures: vagus nerve, 7 chakra points, kindalini snake...

Yup the back bone
With all those nerves stuffed inside it
And the different glands that affect it


And other substances

Nerve synapses

Man this body is quite lit

But alot of this 'wellness' hokey pokey is a lil far out, like... Alot of things are actually quite scientific, and medically explainable

Like whim hoff breathing techniques, 
I was holding my breath as a kid


But sports, 

Self awareness, 

Hah... I guess some Christian lingo uses stuff from the new age movement too, or is it the other way around

We were never thought to question, 
Or to try different cultures and experiences 

I think the key to unlocking is... 

Try something new

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