Friday, September 18, 2020

proverbs: to gain wisdom, philosophise

 always wondered what proverbs was talkng about when solomon asked to find wisdom, understanding and knowledge at whatever cost..

but how does one... spend money? or time? to gain those three things..


i think a good way to do it would be philosophy.

starting from the socratic era and hellenistic era... the thinkers at time ask alot of questions that many of us don't now adays. questions that we don't need to ask, we aren't required to ask, we dont have the time and liberty (away from all the distractions) to ask....  our shorthening aattention span due to the usage of smartphone and dopamine overdoes ins't helping...

hence, podcase by Philosophize this by Stephen West have been life saving for 12 hour night shift work at the Sistema factory here in NZ...

just wish i could take out a pen and paper more often to write down ideas and thoughts... to pause the audio and read a script... to take time to ponder

owh we... the good stuff sticks.

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