Monday, February 08, 2010

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post

grrr... all these anonying-ni-mous people/bots sending comments that are totally unrelated to my blog post...

i've changed the settings for commenting so.. owh well....

no one really comments on my blog anyway.. so it wouldn't make much difference.

except that i'll receive less spam from unknown people


I am Legend said...


-posted by anonymous-

yewleung said...

i know who did this.......................................................

eh eh.. so scary lah you.

and yeap, thanks for the xfx nvid 7900. it works just fine on the comp =D

no more block head terminators!

Natalyn said...

So freaggin' annoyinggggggg !
But I hate word verifications that's why I removed them. Grrrrr.

yewleung said...

woah! natalyn commented on my blog post!!!!!

... woahh...

haha you made my day girl!

and yes we have to prove we're humans through word verification test though =P owh well.... lazy bum, just a few letters oni laa... and maybe a lil' brain power to figure out what alphabet that weird squiggly line is supposed to be =P