Thursday, May 14, 2009


"i've never made up so much rubbish in my life" - thats what i've been saying after every of the exams papers

add math is crazy - thank God i could do some questions
chmistry - moles can go die
moral - kasih sayang kepada alam sekitar, hormat dan taat kepada aggota keluarga

kill mee

anyways.. just installed a new wireless router, totally screwed it up, it was working at first, then changed some settings and now it doesn't work for nuts =(

hey hey all ye stalkers out there! i've got some hints for you!

for bu3
i know who is

T4 orkid
guru tingkatan : Chan Mei Chow

but how??? heh heh was surfing for some stuff and came across this

swell! bu3 has its own website, try looking for .. you.. won't get our skool =P

not bad, you get to know abt alot of things going on in skool, and names of people too ..

uleung-de stlaker

off to fix de modem.. dear God... help!

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