Wednesday, September 28, 2022

bee oil

There is a bee colony on the water.
That had the queen in stasis for a long time cause the owner nicholas left it for an adventure. When he came back he brought her back to life by melting honey with a blowtorch and calling her name Emelda.

I pushed a trolley and it hit a stack of extrs virgin olive oil in green bottles. Three fell down and broke.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

health: habits and routines.

"Healthy habits are key to leading a healthy life, but it's nothing without self-discipline and routine. Start on your health journey." - Huawei health app

Saturday, September 10, 2022

opinion nazi

3. You are entitled to your opinions, but the line is drawn when you try to impose it on others.

4. Dont be a Nazi, if you were born in Germany that time and everyone was doing it... So you think that its okay to do..

Thats like saying its okay to kill a certain people group... Just because they were born in a differrnt ethnic or belief. 

rush slowly..

1. What if the earth doesnt have a finate amount of resources? As we now think it does...

I mean.. What if the sun light brings in more mass (does light carry more than just energy wave lengths? Is a photon something that can contribute to atoms? And smaller atoms just keep combining to form bigger ones? Eventually all the elements on the periodic table are fabricated

2. What if wind and wave energy is actually detrimental?

Whobsaysbthat capturing the currents and velocity of the skies bring about no ill effect to the earth as a whole? Maybe becasue we slow down the movement of undercurrents, the global metrological patterns go out of whack and droughts and monsoons and typhoons happen in a seemongly erractic way.. But they are all part of the same earth's equation.

Theres no such thing as gaining someyhing without a sacrifice. Every action has a equal and oppoaite reaction. Every benefit has a price to be paid.


Sunday, September 04, 2022

dont worry, doesnt matter

You gotta play,
While you enjoy your stay. 
